Library Resources

German Studies at Duke Libraries

Collecting research materials on the history, culture and arts of Western Europe in all European languages has long been a high priority. Duke Libraries currently subscribe to many periodicals, newspapers, annuals, and irregular series from and about Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, and smaller countries such as Switzerland or the Netherlands.

The library holds close to 419,000 monographs in the German language, a testament to that fact that Duke collects monographs from Germany across the disciplines. The collection includes films and videos from Western Europe, and several large microform sets covering European topics, as well as large biographical archives and US government collections on European countries. Duke Libraries also provide access to an extensive list of online resources including, full text literature databases, reference databases, newspaper databases, subject databases, and ejournals.

Duke Special Collections actively pursues a program of acquisition around the current strengths in Germanic materials, which include the Jantz Collection; Original reports on Science and Technology in Germany During the 1930’s and 1940’s; Nazi Period materials; materials relating the social and political history of Vienna; the J. Walter Thompson Company Papers; and the Paul-G. Siebel Papers, to name a few collections.

Collections in literature, comparative literature, folklore, history, and linguistics extend library holdings on Germanic languages and literature. Davis Library, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, also has extensive collections of these materials. Users can therefore expect to find most of the resources they need in the area. The Center for Research Libraries [CRL] supplements local library holdings with additional microform collections of Germanic literatures. CRL also holds foreign dissertations, books and periodicals, and newspapers that may be of interest.

An up-to-date listing of resources can be found in the library guide for the Carolina-Duke Program in German Studies and in the German Studies Resources Library Guide.

For further information about library collections, please consult the West European Bibliographer.